Gran Alacant

Gran Alacant Reckless Driver Arrested

The Local Police in Santa Pola have arrested an individual after driving recklessly and putting the lives of others in danger. The driver was arrested...

New Aldi in Gran Alacant to Open This Month

On June 22, Aldi will open the doors to their new store in Gran Alacant (Santa Pola). The new supermarket will be the second in...

New Waste Disposal Contract for Santa Pola Takes Step Closer

The municipal plenary session of Santa Pola Council has approved the cost structure of the new contract for waste collection and cleaning in the...

Santa Pola Closes Financial Year with a Surplus of 4.2 Million Euro

Santa Pola Council has closed the 2021 budget with a total positive adjusted budget result of 9.3 million euro, resulting from a surplus of...

Second School in Gran Alacant to be Put to Tender in May

The Mayor of Santa Pola, Loreto Serrano, and the Councillor for Education, Trini Ortiz, have attended a meeting in Valencia this week with the...
