Latest News from the UK and Ireland

Is tourism to be our next taboo?

Is tourism to be our next taboo?

Manchan Mangan, naturalised Westmeath man and national treasure, has given up travelling by plane. This, from a man who has made his name recording...
A widespread error has left thousands of married state pensioners underpaid for years.

Thousands of UK State Pensioners Owed Thousands of Pounds

A widespread error has left thousands of married state pensioners underpaid for years. Many married women who reached state pension age before April 2016 have...

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Is tourism to be our next taboo?

Is tourism to be our next taboo?

Manchan Mangan, naturalised Westmeath man and national treasure, has given up travelling by plane. This, from a man who has made his name recording...
A widespread error has left thousands of married state pensioners underpaid for years.

Thousands of UK State Pensioners Owed Thousands of Pounds

A widespread error has left thousands of married state pensioners underpaid for years. Many married women who reached state pension age before April 2016 have...