
A Town Hall with No Compassion.   A Mayor with No empathy.

Orihuela government at the Town Hall of Orihuela expresses their condolences to the Royal Family and British people following the death of Queen Elizabeth...

Back to School on Monday

On Monday 12 September, 2022, a total of 8,247,313 students will return to the classrooms across the country, and whilst this is no doubt an exciting time for the vast majority of them, it also means one very important thing, that each and every one of those 8 million plus people will have to travel …

The post Back to School on Monday first appeared on N332.es - Driving In Spain.

Family parrot Hoppy returns home to Torrevieja

Quote: 'Pakita was crying and calling for Hoppy's return, they are inseparable. A member of our family' Torrevieja based Bjarni Baldursson, who put up...

Questionable Readings by Percy Chattey

So, it is hot! We are hearing all sorts of stories of how records are being broken. Someone has even said it is 116...

When is a Meeting, not a Meeting?

PIOC PRESS RELEASE On friday, 19th August, there was a meeting at the Orihuela Costa Town hall which quickly descended into chaos as residents,...


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