Peter Houghton


Exclusive articles:

PIOC seek partnership with CLARO for Municipal Elections

PIOC PRESS RELEASE The residents of Orihuela Costa have, and still are today, suffering from an appalling lack of services, compared to all the other...


PRESS RELEASE PIOC believes that there is strength in unity.  We offer CLARO a 4 year alliance to achieve goals.  We all know these goals....

Lies and more false promises from the Orihuela Government

Being the last Thursday of the month, 29th September 2022, there was the usual Pleno meeting in Orihuela Town Hall. There were many pronouncements...

A United Orihuela Costa has a future

Even though PIOC and CLARO are separate parties, Independence is the only area in which they disagree, but the rest of our objectives are...

Removing obstructions so people can live their lives

PIOC Press Release Anybody trying to get around Orihuela Costa on foot whilst pushing a young child in a buggy or while using a wheelchair...