
Mike’s Scrabble Club in ‘The Shed’, Campoverde

If you enjoy playing ‘Scrabble’ or word games such as wordsearch, crosswords, ‘Wordle’ or watching ‘Lingo’ or ‘Countdown’, then why not meet like-minded friends...

New season beckons for One Way Services Darts League

The popular Thursday evening resumes in September (date to be confirmed) following this terms A.G.M. to be held at the Tipsy Toad, 25th August,...

Pilar Ambulance Contact Reminders

The town hall at Pilar de la Horadada wants to are remind residents and visitors to the municipality that the area is covered by...

Pilar de la Horadada Protected by New CCTV System

The new system of traffic control and surveillance cameras, with coverage throughout the municipality of Pilar de la Horadada, is now operational, according to...

OWS Thursday Darts League Presentation Night

BY PAUL DURRANT - The OWS darts league concluded this week, at the Los Cucalos restaurant La Zenia, with an enthusiastic audience of nearly...
