Cabo Roig

Cabo Roig St Patrick’s Day Grand Marshall

This year's Grand Marshall at the 10th Anniversary of the Cabo Roig St Patrick's Day Parade is boxer Steve Collins, known as the 'Celtic...

PSOE demand action over Aguamarina rock falls

The Socialist Group has again asked the Orihuela Council to take urgent action due to the risk of falling rocks from the Aguamarina cliffs,...

Campoamor pharmacy to open 24-hours

The Campoamor pharmacy becomes a 24-hour pharmacy thanks to an agreement that has been reached with the rest of the chemists in Orihuela Costa,...

Continued outrage at closure of Aguamarina / La Caleta Paseo 

Press Release CLARO / Cambiemos Since mid-December when Orihuela Town Council bricked up the entrances to this 60 metre stretch of precious Aguamarina coastal walkway...

CLARO and Cambiemos call for Plenary to reopen Aguamarina walkway

CLARO and Cambiemos Orihuela have raised a motion at the December Plenary session urging the "reopening of the promenade between Aguamarina and Cabo Roig"...
