U3A Torrevieja

A blooming good day out with U3A

Thursday 21st April provided one of the best days of weather that had been experienced for quite some time and proved to be the...

Torrevieja U3A returning to CMO Centre

Torrevieja U3A has good news for all of its members (and anyone else wishing to join the association). We are returning to our old...

Torrevieja U3A back in full swing

Although last years events were severely restricted for reasons beyond our control, Torrevieja U3A are now looking forward to resuming their normal busy calender. ...

Taking to the hills with U3A

The Torrevieja U3A Walking/Hiking group were back on the road on Saturday 29th January when they took to the hills.for a walk through the...

Dance and despatch with U3A Torrevieja

Torrevieja U3A held their first full meeting of the year on Friday 28th January at the Los Angeles Bar where the members were given...
