Guardia Civil

Upgrade of Mobile phone app ‘AlertCops’ introduces ‘SOS Button’.

AlertCops is the citizen security alert service that enables the Spanish Law Enforcement Authorities (Policia and Guardía Civil) to provide you with assistance in...

Police ordered not to join the applause to Hospital staff

The police unions say that the instruction is incomprehensible The main police union Jupol has denounced the decision of the Ministry of the Interior...

Government tells Police and Civil Guard they are groups of very low risk

The complaints of two of the groups most involved in the fight against the coronavirus seem to have had little effect on the Government. In...

Masks and gel sold on black market to 70 pharmacies

The provider offered medical equipment at a price ten times higher than it had been before the epidemic. The Paiporta Civil Guard, a town just...

Police thwart weekend getaways: “It’s not a holiday!”

A week after the government decreed the state of emergency that has confined members of the public to their homes, the Ministry of the...
