
Last Walk of the Season for Murcia’s Humanists

It was a 10 km walk along the coast West of Bolnuevo, the traditional last walk of the season.  Fine weather, not too hot...

30th Regatta Cartagena-Ibiza Estrella de Levante 2019 Classic

By Andrew Atkinson reporting from Cartagena LEADER EXCLUSIVE CARTAGENA port saw the start of the 30th Regatta Cartagena to Ibiza Estrella de Levante 2019 Trophy...

Catholic church introduces Swipe Card Machine

A pilot scheme within the Diocese of Cartagena has selected the parish church of Nuestra Señora de las Lágrimas in la pedanía de Cabezo...

Brexit Comes Early To Mazarrón

The Camposol & Mazarrón Bridge Club are arranging an England versus Rest of Europe match.  It will be held on Monday, 25 March 2019...

Humanists Remembrance Day

About 20 people attended the fourth annual Remembrance ceremony at Parque Miguel Angel Blanco, in Mazarrón on Sunday 11th November 2018. The ceremony was led...


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