

Andrew Atkinson talks to Orihuela based Casa La Pedrera owners Jenni and Derek Ray, famed from C4 TV Grand Designs Abroad, in Part...

Much more to come from “Música en primavera”

The concert scheduled to be held on Sunday evening on the Playa Flamenca Esplenade was postponed because of the heavy rain and will now...

Las Riojas Residents rescue their park

Residents and Presidents of several urbanisations bordering on Calle Canal de Suez in Los Riojas complained to C.L.A.R.O. of their despair at the deterioration...

Alicante-Orihuela Bishop resigns his appointment

The Vatican is currently in the process of appointing the next bishop of the Diocese of Orihuela-Alicante after receiving a letter of resignation from...

Free children’s club on Saturday mornings in Orihuela and the Costa

The children’s activities, held in both Spanish and English, continue to take place every Saturday morning in Orihuela, at the La Lonja de Orihuela...


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