

Millions of people in Britain and in countries around the world have been gripped with emotion over the past few weeks trying to fathom...

Curiosity isn’t Good for Cats

How many philosophers does it take to screw in a light bulb?  There is no clear answer to that yet, because they are still...

The enchanting town of Cabo de Palos

Less than an hour south of Torrevieja lies the Cartagena town of Cabo de Palos, undoubtedly one of the most charming coastal towns in...

Where do you think the worst poison or bacteria-infecting insects lurk, the UK or abroad?

Most of you will instantly say abroad...believing that in the UK we are safe from the most horrible insects likely to do us real...

You Can’t Be Serious – The rabbit is my current role model …!

First and foremost let me place on record here that I am not a rabbit lover … far from it – unless he is...
