
Garden Felix – Anthurium – Flamingo flowers!

Anthurium is a plant that is generally an indoor plant- but grow well outdoors in warm climates such as on the Costa Blanca South. Commonly...

Garden Felix – Spectacular Rosy Periwinkle!

Madagascar - the Rosy Periwinkle - (Catharantus roseus) is a spectacular plant used as a ground cover, or trailing accent that blooms prolifically. Periwinkles starry...

Garden Felix

Globe Amaranth attract butterflies and bees - perfect choice for drying, lasting up to a year! Gomphrena, better known as Globe Amaranth, is easy to...

Garden Felix – Jerusalem sage – distinctive spirals of yellow, pink or mauve!

Phlomis - a summer flowering shrub or perennial - is also known as Jerusalem sage, as the leaves are very similar to the herb,...

Garden Felix – Butterflies and Bees passion for Cupid’s Dart!

The bright blue, Cornflower like blooms of Cupid's Dart will appear continuously, from early to late summer, peaking in mid-summer. Each papery blue petal has...
