Building and construction

Support on the rise for Cala Mosca Platform

The Orihuela coast has suffered many brutal attacks in recent decades. Residents who have been here for a number of years have found it...

Environmentalists object to remodelling of Torrevieja Port

The Torrevieja Council has received a number of objections to the remodelling of the port. And in particular the private initiative to build a...

Los Verdes ask Torrevieja Council for rapid repairs

Los Verdes councillors have approached the council asking for urgent repairs to be carried out following the damage caused by the last torrential rains...

Improvement Work completed on CEIP Virgen del Pilar

By Andrew Atkinson The Council of Education in Los Montesinos has signed off the €1.7million improvement and expansion works of the CEIP Virgen del Pilar. "The...

Archaeological study closes main bus stop

The archaeological study that is taking place with the major excavation of the Eras de la Sal compound has forced the closure of the...
