Region of Murcia

LGBT associations launch the campaign “right to know”

What does it mean to be 'trans'? Can I like girls and boys? Can two girls kiss? These are questions that many adolescents ask...

Major expansion continues at Pinatar Park

Over 500 new homes for Pinatar Park As the urban area of San Pedro del Pinatar grows to the southeast the Pinatar Park and...

SAMM Members Help Schools

The money raised by SAMM members through their line dance routine at the Caldero Day fiesta in Los Alcazares was always going to be...

Tears for the Mar Menor

Over 55,000 people marched through the streets of Cartagena on Wednesday, in one of the largest demonstrations that has ever taken place in the...

Another Patera in Benidorm brings number of immigrants to over 200

In a little more than 48 hours the Province’s emergency services have attended the largest wave of immigrants recorded, having arrived in patera’s, 193...
