
5 Challenges Faced by International Students in the USA

The article discusses the most common challenges faced by international students in the US and the way to overcome these obstacles. 5 Top Challenges for...

Asbestos Alert in another dozen of schools

The education federation of CC OO urges Education to maintain the surveillance of toxic material in centers where it was not foreseen to act...

Council repairs create death trap for Los Dolses schoolchildren

A representative from the Los Dolses School Board in the Orihuela Costa has warned that a new fence erected by the Municipal Council has...

Rats and asbestos invite Student protests

Students and teachers of Orihuela’s School of Higher Art were out in force on Tuesday as they organised a rally at the college gates...

Presentation of the First Fully Accredited American High School On The Costa Del Sol

The American College in Spain inaugurated its new campus last week, which is located in La Alzambra, next to Vasari Business Center. The event...
