The Valencian Antifraud Agency has confirmed that it has been made aware about the possible existence of certain irregularities allegedly committed in the Local Police of the Orihuela City Council.

As such it has now formally requested documentation from the city council, in relation to an investigation that it is now carrying out.

The Agency says that it is necessary for the council to provide additional information stating that “the start of any actions will only take place when the existence of reasonable evidence has been verified, into the conduct that has given rise to the complaint or petition”.

One of the files demanded is in respect of the “Gescity” program which details vehicles in storage following their removal by the city tow truck and the fee paid for each one of them, highlighting those that have been removed at zero cost and the reasons that justify their removal. The dates in question are from 2019 to the present.

In addition, they have requested a copy of the file detailing the selection process for two new officer positions filled by Manuel Lorente and Francisco Miralles, as well as a complete, indexed and authenticated copy of the process file by which the local police chief, José María Pomares, was promoted in 2003.

The Anti-Fraud Agency has also asked to see the complete, indexed and authenticated copy of the internal promotion process for Pomares who has since been promoted to commissioner and the file for the appointment of six new agents of the Orihuela Local Police in 2023.