Gaillardia – known as the blanket flower – is an easy to grow  perennial, in shades of reds and yellows, with daisy like flowers that work equally well in borders and containers and make excellent cut flowers.

The common name may be a reference to how they spread and blanket an area, as the flower re-seeds itself and easily sprawls through your garden.

Plants can grow to about 2 feet high, with a 20in spread, thriving best in full sun.

They can handle some partial shade, particularly in hot climates, but will get a bit floppy and will not flower as profusely.

Gaillardia prefers poor well draining soil, which seems to encourage more flowering than rich soils, so avoid fertilising.

Extremely drought tolerant it can go without watering, unless there are extremely hot and dry conditions, then it’s best to water the bed, once or twice per week. Avoid over-watering.

Blanket flower does not require dead-heading to keep blooming, but will stimulate additional blooms; the plant will look better and fuller, if you cut the stems back, when flowers start to fade.

If the plant languishes in the heat of summer, cut it back dramatically, which will reinvigorate it, for good autumn blooming.

Divide the plants every two to three years in the spring or autumn, to keep them going.

Take note blanket flower is slightly toxic to humans.

Garden Felix