
2022 a year of Sporting experiments

The football World Cup in Qatar in November, the Winter Olympics, and Munich as the epicenter of Europeans just are some of the great...

Guardamar Park Has New Sports Installations

New Sports Installations have been completed in a Guardamar park this week, adding to the future popularity of this unique location. The Reaina Sofía park...

Daily Doms Los Montesinos

By Andrew Atkinson If Usain Bolt visited Los Montesinos the first place he'd run to would be Bar Rives in the middle of the Vega...

The Professional Sporting Injuries We Wish we Could Forget

Everybody knows and accepts that, when we watch professional sport, we may see an injury or two to the athletes taking part. What we...

Torrevieja Arm Wrestling Association takes third in Spain Nationals

The Torrevieja Arm Wrestling Association has just finished in a very creditable third place in the twenty-ninth Spanish Championship that was held in Pedro...
