Province of Alicante

Torrevieja Winter Pool League

By Andrew Atkinson Torrevieja Pool League chairman Alan Boswell has announced the resumption of the Winter league amid the coronovirus pandemic which decimated fixtures during...


Quote: 'If we really want a better city, a Torrevieja worthy for the 21st century, we have to be firm in everything we...

Disruption for vehicles around Rojales school

Rojales town hall has warned of works that will be taking place for the next two months in the vicinity of the school CEIP...

Football Focus – Marta receives Italia CONI-Salone d’Onore Award.

By Andrew Atkinson Marta Penalver – who was voted one of the top players in the Italian league - received her Italia CONI-Salone d'Onore Award...

More work needed in Guardamar’s old Segura riverbed

By Andrew Atkinson Despite the CHS investing €537,000 in improving the drainage of the old Segura riverbed in Guardamar, criticism continues to be flagged-up. Amid the...


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