You Can't be Serious

You Can’t Be Serious – Six into five won’t go …!

Fergus Sheerin is one of our much valued neighbours. I don’t see him all that often, so when he does come to the door,...

You Can’t Be Serious – The Irish version of ‘the great equaliser.’

In America, that great nation of opportunity, where even a hustler can turn into a hero; owning a gun – or 20 of them,...

You Can’t Be Serious – The last ‘nest-box!’

Today I parted with my last ‘nest box.’ The box was one of a hundred I got made exactly fifty years ago. The boxes,...

You Can’t Be Serious – The rabbit is my current role model …!

First and foremost let me place on record here that I am not a rabbit lover … far from it – unless he is...

You Can’t Be Serious – Loneliness is a state of mind

The curse of loneliness is increasing, and it is now more common in Ireland than in other countries. Loneliness has a severe effect on your...
