
Garden Felix – Lush Swiss cheese!

Monstera deliciosa - the Swiss cheese plant - named, due to the large holes in its lush, deeply cut leaves. Monstera deliciosa grows best in...

Garden Felix – Elephant flowers red, yellow, orange berries sweet aroma

ELEPHANT ear is a common name for a few different plant genera known for their large leaves, perhaps an allusion to the prominent ears...

Garden Felix – Gaura – early summer blooming, with flushes of flowers into autumn

Gaura or also known as wandflower, whirling butterfly, and bee blossom is a low maintenance perennial that has a long bloom time. Both its height...

Garden Felix – Pride of Madeira!

A popular sight, Pride of Madeira - Echium candicans - is perfect for adding a touch of drama to your garden! As with all echiums,...

Garden Felix – Dracaena evergreen, Tropical shrub

Dracaena - the dragon plant - sits in the asparagus family, Asparagaceae, with the genus comprising of around 189 different species. It has strappy foliage...
