
Over 300 boys and girls, attend Torrevieja Municipal Swimming Courses

The Councillor for Sports, Diana Box, said that more than 300 boys and girls, aged between 2 and 16 years, have attended municipal swimming...

Good education is also a trend

Driving in the right lane or using indicators to signal a manoeuvre may seem like standard driving practices, but with so many people forgetting some of the basics all too often, it’s time to change the trend for the better. Indicate to others. Being polite to others is a social trend. And that, in driving, …

The post Good education is also a trend first appeared on - Driving In Spain.

Digital Normal.

To open a book and disappear into another world is an unbeatable joy as the story unfolds and the chapters flow past detailing the...

Starting an International Business from Your Spare Room

Wherever you live in the world, you will have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. While the pandemic has devastated many businesses and careers,...

Communication platforms millennials love: Instagram, TikTok, and video chats

Millennials (or Generation Y) are people who were born between 1981 and 1996. They met the new millennium (millennium) at a young age, which...
