The Civil Guard has arrested a 43-year-old man for committing 18 crimes of robbery with force in homes in the province of Alicante. The man, who had numerous previous convictions for similar acts, was arrested at his home in Los Montesinos. Jewellery and electronic devices have been recovered, with the police continuing to identify other possible victims.

Most of the robberies occurred in November and December last year in the Pinar de Campoverde urbanisation. Most of them took place in the evening, when the residents were absent, by forcing doors or windows.

A joint operation was launched between the Civil Guard of Pilar de la Horadada, and the Local Police, involving a series of coordinated patrols to reinforce security in the area.

Throughout the investigation the agents had valuable citizen collaboration from the public which generated crucial information for the police enquiry.

In one of the robberies investigated, an electronic device was stolen, the subsequent use of which by the criminal allowed agents to pinpoint his home, located in the municipality of Los Montesinos, and determine his identity.

At the end of March, together with the Torrevieja Civil Guard, a search of the home was carried out, during which jewellery, electronic material and 2,700 euros in cash were seized. In addition, instruments for evaluating jewellery, including diamond purity verification tests, scales and other effects, were seized.

The agents have now arrested a 43-year-old Moldovan man, who had a history of crimes against property. Investigators have been able to prove his participation in 18 crimes of robbery with force inside homes, 10 in the Pinar de Campoverde urbanisation, 7 in Ibi and 1 in San Vicente del Raspeig.

The detainee, along with the seized effects, has been placed at the disposal of the Court of Instruction No. 1 of Orihuela

Although the majority of stolen objects have been returned to their legitimate owners, the agents continue to analyse many others in the Civil Guard offices in Pilar de la Horadada. This is done in order to determine if they are related to other robberies that have not yet been reported, so it could be that the number of robberies attributed to this man may increase.