After more than seven years of a minimal maintenance service that left many of the costa’s parks virtually abandoned, the residents of the coast are anxiously looking forward to the assumption of the new service by the municipal company Ildo.

The public company, which already manages gardens in the districts, plans to start operating in the coming weeks, after the Plenary gave the green light last February to the municipalisation of the service.

But, first, the government team has proposed that the staff be increased with new workers for what will be the largest assignment that Ildo will face. Thus, the Council has published details of positions for an administrative assistant and another two additional gardeners for the coastal area.

The reversion to public management of this contract was the solution reached by the PP-Vox coalition government to an ongoing tender, valued at 10 million, which led to a crossroads of complaints between officials and local applicants. In fact, the company that was considered to offer the best value, according to the only technical report issued, STV-Evocivil, has now appealed against the closure of the tender to the Central Administrative Court of Contractual Resources. The City Council has said that it will only compensate the three companies that replied to the tender with 500 euros.

Ildo is a public company that is dedicated to the employment of people with functional diversity. To expand its number of workers, the Council has already enlarged this range of employable labour to people and groups in vulnerable situations.

In the suspended tender, it was said that the previous contract barely covered 40% of the green areas on the coast where it was estimated that there were about 7,000 palm trees and an area of ​​​​2.5 million square meters in 213 parks and gardens.

A staff of 30 employees was contemplated although the executive’s goal is to reach 40, including the more than 10 who will be taken on from the previous contract.