The Royal Naval Association Torrevieja Branch (RNATB) shipmates (S/M’s) and some guests continued sailing into this year’s social calendar at their third event by ‘treating their loved ones’ to a Valentines Dinner at Little Italy Restaurant near Cabo Roja, and needless to say it was on the 14th February 2024.

The venue was romantically decked out with loved ones in mind by the RNATB Assistant Social Secretary, Lenny Manning and his Bosun’s (Boatswain) Mate, Angie Manning.

Each of the ‘loved ones’ was lavished with gifts including a personally addressed & individually hand crafted Valentine’s card from a secret admirer, a  bottle of ‘Fizz’, a big red rose and a ‘favour’ of, a handmade chocolate heart with a cupids arrow through it and last but not least, a beautiful heart shaped brooch, all of which was prepared and presented by S/M Angi Manning on behalf of the ‘secret admirers’.

There was much passion in the air for the ‘loved ones’, including ‘secret admirers’ trying to tempt their ‘loved ones’ with a rose between their teeth, however unfortunately on one got up to do the ‘Paso Doble’ or dance the ‘Sailors Hornpipe’, nevertheless there was much chatter and couples looking ‘starry eyed at each other’……. or was that the flowing vino and grog???

Little Italy’s chef and waiters did themselves proud, with the food and service befitting the adoration of our ‘loved ones’ and all the ‘secret admirers’ keenly anticipate being festooned with many ’brownie points’.

The, (what is keenly seen as the almost compulsory) Raffle with oodles of prizes was excitedly anticipated by S/M’s, who were not disappointed.

The amassing of prizes and drawing of the raffle was enthusiastically undertaken by the RNATB Raffle Co-ordinator, Nicola Louden and amazingly aided by the RNATB Assistant Raffle Co-ordinator, Kim Hemingfield and added that extra layer of excitement for the evening.

As the exhilaration of the evening was drawing to a close with everyone in high spirits, all the ‘loved ones and secret admires’ (who were no longer secret by this time) ‘let go forward & let go aft’ and sailed off on their way to their ‘home port’, with the excitement of looking forward to the next event and giving a massive BZ (Bravo Zulu – NATO signal for ‘Well Done’) to all those who aided in staging the event.