The Valencian Community creates a Consultative Health Committee


The Valencian Community has appointed a Consultative Patients’ Committee to promote public participation in the Valencian Health System, organized through federations, associations or charities of patients and their families. Its creation will be celebrated on April 18, the European Day of Patients’ Rights.

The Committee, as published in the Official Gazette, is made up of a secretariat and 24 members, from among whom the President and Vice-President are elected. Half of the participants are patients.

By virtue of the telematic voting procedure provided for in the regulations, 12 members of the Committee are represented by two members of the Alzheimer’s Federation of the Valencian Community, the Spanish Federation of Rare Diseases (Feder), the Diabetes Federation of the Valencian Community , Fundación Activa Espina Bífida de la Comunitat Valenciana (Faeb-CV), Federación Salut Mental de la Comunitat Valenciana and the Association Myasthenia Spain (AMES), Associació Ciutadana d’Alacant pel HIV (Acavih).

The Celiac Association of the Valencian Community (Acecova), the Valencian Association of People Affected by Fibromyalgia (Avafi), the Valencian Association of Anticoagulated Patients (AVAC), the Cystic Fibrosis Association of the Valencian Community and the Mothers Fathers Children Cancer Association (Aspanion) are also represented.

The election process for these committees has considered the merits of the candidate associations or federations (by virtue of their degree of representativeness or the group of pathologies represented).

The mandate of the members of the Committee is for four years and their main function is to contribute their health perspective to, ultimately, collaborate in the improvement of the Valencian Health System.