AN attempt to trace the artist of a Cap Haitien painting, dated 88, found in a charity shop in Benijofar, is ongoing.

The painting on canvas, purchased by Leader reporter Andrew Atkinson, depicts daily life in Haiti.

In a letter from Co-Founder and Executive Director Vassar Haiti Project, Lila Meade, she said:

Dear Andrew,

Thank you for reaching out to us.  Your painting is lovely! The artist’s name, as best as I can see, is Ronald Durosier.  I’ve tried to do some initial research on him, but unfortunately I do not see anything.

Perhaps you will be able to find some more information.  We wish you luck!

All the best, Lila Meade, Co-Founder and Executive Director, Vassar Haiti Project.

The Vassar Haiti Project is a registered non profit organisation, committed to sustainable development in Haiti and to the mentorship of college students at Vassar College in practices of global citizenship.

Through a close partnership with the village of Chermaitre and hundreds of artists and artisans, they work with Vassar students local Haitian leaders on many sustainable initiatives.

“Our newest project is the Lucinda Franks and Robert Morgenthau Art School, Studio and Gallery with Galerie Benoit in Haiti.

“The Vassar Haiti Project (VHP) is launching an exciting new asset-based community development project educating aspiring young artists under the tutelage of Benoit Profelus, an artist who has worked closely with VHP for over ten years.

“The goal is to support local economic development by creating career opportunities in north west Haiti. Our vision is to create an art centre in Gros Morne which will serve as an art school, a studio and gallery. “The gallery will be named in memory of Pulitzer Prize winner, Lucinda Franks and Robert M. Morgenthau, former District Attorney of Manhattan, both who were mentors and ardent supporters of VHP,” said Lila.

“We’ve been buying art from Haitian artists for 20 years and have sold over 5,500 pieces!

“With the lack of touristic trade in Haiti, we’re afraid that the artists won’t continue to take up their amazing skills, so we are doing what we can to keep selling it.

“With the profits of the sale of the art, we have funded and continue funding a Primary School, a clinic and a myriad of programmes in north west Haiti, said Lila.

Haiti is a Caribbean country that shares the island of Hispaniola with the Dominican Republic to its east.

Still recovering from a 2010 earthquake, many of Haiti’s landmarks dating to the early 19th century remain intact. These include Citadelle la Ferrière, a mountaintop fortress, and the nearby ruins of Sans-Souci Palace, the baroque former Royal home of King Henry I.

Haiti remains the poorest country in the LAC region and among the poorest countries in the world.

In 2020, Haiti had a GDP per capita of US$2,925, the lowest in the LAC region and less than a fifth of the LAC average of US$15,092.

On the UN’s Human Development Index, Haiti ranked 170 out of 189 countries in 2020.

Caption: Cap Haitien painting by Ronald Durosier found in Benijofar charity shop.