Terry wins his first Montgo Trophy

Terry wins his first Montgo Trophy
Terry wins his first Montgo Trophy

On Friday 17th November Montgo Golf Society played a stableford competition at Oliva Nova for the St Andrews Day Trophy, kindly sponsored by Ed Wallace. The Spanish weather continues to be spectacular, with warm sunshine and little or no wind, resulting in a full field of forty four players competing for the final trophy of the year.

As usual Ed provided a wonderful array of prizes, including golf balls for the winners as well as the customary bottles of scotch, and this year there was an additional trophy for the best gross score provided by the original sponsor Bob Edwards. In recognition of the day many members dressed in the blue of Scotland, however Alan Skinner obviously didn’t read his emails again as he turned out in canary yellow!!!!

Today’s winner was one of our new members, Terry Moore, with an excellent 38 points off 11.6 which included a wonderful 24 points on the front nine. His back nine fell away a bit but the overall quality of his golf suggests this will not be the only trophy he wins with the society. In second place was Francien Knoops with a fine 37 points off 12.9, pushing our other Dutch member Gerian van Ooijen (6.5) in to third place on countback.

The biggest cheer of the day was for Neil Carter, completing his comeback after illness to take fourth place with a fighting 35 points off 12.1, whilst Barry Butler (17.2) took fifth place on countback.

The new trophy for best scratch score went to Gerian with an excellent gross 80. The three nearest the pins were taken by Stella Fox on the 3rd, Patrick Lynch on the 16th, and Simon Fox on the 18th. Finally there were three 2’s recorded by Jan Jones, Patrick Lynch, and John Snelling.

Many thanks again to Ed and Bob for their generosity.

Our next event is on Friday 1st December, when we will be playing a two man Texas scramble at Oliva Nova, sponsored by Sally and Arthur Burrows. Guests are welcome, subject to availability and a current handicap certificate, and should register by visiting the website at www.montgogolfsociety.net and completing an online booking form.