Tag: Transport

Choosing the right car

It’s one of the biggest purchases – or sometimes leases – you’ll make, so choosing the right car is essential. Narrowing down the shortlist...

DGT introduces new legislation for electric scooters

While there are an estimated 100,000 personal mobility devices in use here in Spain, many of them the fairly recent mania of electric bikes...

6 Travel Tips for Exploring a New Country 

Visiting a new country is usually exciting and daunting in equal measure, but whether the vacation lasts a couple of weeks, a month or...

Is It Worth Switching To Uber?

Over the past few years Uber has become one of the most popular apps in the UK and around the world. So many people...

Cleaning the Sea

The Habaneras shopping centre in Torrevieja has launched a poignant display, coinciding with World Environment Day, of a shark ingesting plastic litter. Using the hashtag #YoSoyTorrevieja, the campaign aims at raising awareness of waste, particularly plastic, and the harm it does to the marine environment. The Habaneras shark is made from wire mesh and is …


Costs of new Horadada Cultural Centre increases by 700k

The new Holy Week House of Culture and Museum...

Six fugitives arrested in Orihuela over the weekend

The National Police have arrested six wanted criminals over...

Callosa residents want better security

“Enough is Enough!” This was the motto used last...

Playoff semi final takes Orihuela to Badalona

There was a fourth placed finish in the Second...