Tag: Local

Environmental Boost for Municipalities

The Alicante provincial government has launched a half-a-million-euro funding package to help municipalities turn back the tide of global warming. Respect, care and protection of the environment is the message being prioritised by the Diputación and are calling on local councils to use the funding for investing in green areas around the municipalities. The Committee …

Environmental Boost for Municipalities

The Alicante provincial government has launched a half-a-million-euro funding package to help municipalities turn back the tide of global warming. Respect, care and protection of the environment is the message being prioritised by the Diputación and are calling on local councils to use the funding for investing in green areas around the municipalities. The Committee …

Alicante Transfusion Centre appeals for blood

Blood donations are planned next week in four municipalities of the Vega Baja this week with the Alicante transfusion centre saying that it is...

Buzzing Around the Environment

Although the occasional rains of summer may have been a brief but welcome break to the continual hot and dry spells of previous years, the rain has brought an unpleasant legacy along with it. The extra rain through August has added water to the ground, feeding plants and animals, it has added to the dwindling …

Buzzing Around the Environment

Although the occasional rains of summer may have been a brief but welcome break to the continual hot and dry spells of previous years, the rain has brought an unpleasant legacy along with it. The extra rain through August has added water to the ground, feeding plants and animals, it has added to the dwindling …


Local Police to create Environmental Unit on Orihuela Costa

In the wake of hundreds of complaints of ‘fly...

Orihuela Costa Beaches not yet ready for Tourist Season

As summer approaches, Orihuela Costa braces itself for an...

Compensation refused for family of a drowned bather

There are plenty of claims made on the Torrevieja...