
Pandemic accelerating in the Valencian Community

The coronavirus pandemic accelerated in the Valencian Community in July, particularly during the last week, when 894 of the 1,602 cases were diagnosed. In total,...

Ssssssssssnake – Horseshoe whip snake eats baby budgie!

By Andrew Atkinson A four foot horseshoe whip snake was found in the grounds of Los Montesinos, Alicante, resident Dave Payne's Vega Baja villa -...

Prevention protocol against COVID-19 at federal level

By Andrew Atkinson In accordance with government resolutions, the FFCV has prepared a Protocol on Protection and Prevention against COVID-19 in training, friendlies and competition. In...

Loss of the traditional summer break

In this new World order I am not certain whether to be angry, just laugh at it or bang my head against the nearest...

Rojales Pantome Group 1st get together after lockdown.

No Panto again was the cry! Are we downhearted?   You bet we are! As the group cannot gain access to a theatre to either rehearse...


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