
Los Alacazares Ladies burst into song

Introducing the new multi national ladies Chorus, Sonrisas Harmony who will meet every Tuesday 10.30 am – 1.30 pm at the Estribor Function Room...

Mojácar municipal band visits Alcalá de Júcar

The Mojácar Municipal Music Band has been in the Albacete town of Alcalá de Júcar as part of the recreational trips that the Local...

Marina Bar bids farewell with Marmalade Sandwiches

Customers of the Marina Bar in Torreta 2 were invited to watch the televised coverage of Her Majesty the Queen´s final journey and enjoy...

Julie’s Musical Memories

1957 - 16 year old UK singer Cliff Richard, still known by his real name, Harry Webb, joined the Dick Teague Skiffle Group. 1962 -...


Studio 32 will be bringing you a celebration of award winning musicals in their latest production, ‘A Night on Broadway’. Over the past 13...
