
CHS to close popular Orihuela Costa route

The Segura Hydrographic Confederation (CHS) is to close the service route of the Tajo-Segura transfer channel as it passes through Orihuela Costa. The measure has...

Orihuela says No to Regional Waste Treatment Plant

Orihuela Council rules out the construction of the regional waste treatment plant in Torremendo Although it took a few days before we finally got a...

San Miguel residents take rejection of solar plant to Provincial Government

San Miguel residents are taking their objections to the planned solar plant by the state company Acuamed, in its most fertile farmland, direct to...

Torremendo to house regional waste treatment plant

Sixteen years after it was first proposed, the UTE Vega Baja, concessionaire of the regional waste plan, plans to register in the Consortium Vega...

Resurfacing and Garbage – The Priorities for Orihuela Costa residents

If coastal residents had to choose where to invest the 12.6 million euro that will be allocated through the municipal budget, the priorities would...
