In addition to its activities within the security of the municipality, Mojácar Local Police also keeps up intense training work, both among its own members and in Mojácar civil society. Among these, with special interest, in the locality’s young people and children.

Hence, it is not uncommon to see them at the school or at the institute carrying out projects in which they interact with schoolchildren to inform them and prepare them for situations that could be risky. Activities that are already paving the way and serving as an example for local police officers from other municipalities who are beginning to follow their workshops.

And so under the motto, “K9 seeds of conscience”, as part of the project for the prevention of addictions at school, Mojácar Local Police have given talks to the Bartolomé Flores Public School pupils and an exhibition of police dogs in which they had the collaboration of the Zadhir de Luna training centre, committed to this project.

The day began with an educational talk by the Local Police aimed at the pupils in which very important topics were addressed, such as the consequences of drug use and the need to lead a healthy life. After this informative talk, the school playground served as the setting for the exhibition of the work of the police dogs, organised by the Local Police tutor agent unit and the police dogs trained by Zahir de Luna. The direct interaction with the dogs also served to foster an emotional bond with the pupils, facilitating a very effective interactive learning environment.

The meticulously trained police dogs demonstrated their skills ranging from the detection of prohibited substances to obedience and protection exercises, showing the discipline and work that handling these animals requires.

The combination of education, prevention and the natural charm of dogs offers an innovative and efficient formula for combatting addictions from a very early age, providing valuable tools to face future challenges.

The response from the educational community has been very positive, reflecting the effectiveness of combining educational elements with practical and entertaining activities, as well as the importance of collaboration between educational institutions and security forces with the aim of creating safer and more aware school environments, where pupils not only learn about the dangers of addictions, but also about responsibility and respect for animal life. Steps forward among the young people and a more informed and therefore more protected community.

This experience has already been carried out at the locality’s Secondary School and in other municipalities where both the Mojácar Local Police and Zadhir de Luna are developing this experience, which is always more than welcomed.