3,000 notifications and nearly 1,000 letters remain undelivered. This is the calculation made by the CSIF union, calling the situation “serious” as there are only, “half of the operational staff, thereby causing an obvious deterioration in the service provided daily to the public.”

Correos, however, said that the service is “fully guaranteed” and that it is operating “normally.”

CSIF doesn’t see it that way at all. They say that, “despite the effort and professionalism of the staff, the public postal service is poor.” They state that today it is impossible to handle the amount of work that comes to the centre, “which leads workers depressed because they cannot provide a quality service to the public.” And it published the figure, saying that more than 3,000 notifications are pending delivery along with a backlog of a further 1,000 letters, “many of them important.”

The union says that the backlog is seriously harming the health of workers, increasing the risk of injuries and work stress. As a consequence, they state, “the number of staff on sick leave, which is not being covered, is increasing, which further increases the process of decline, along with an increase in workload. Neither are the existing vacancies being covered,” derived from retirements and displacements.

They add that, the solution is to cover all these vacancies through the public employment pool. «Citizens deserve an efficient postal service, and the staff must be able to carry out decent and safe work. “The Post Office, as a public servant, and it must respond to this serious situation.”