Rowers at the recent London Boat Race bitterly complained about “poo in the water”, while members of the Oxford crew blamed sewage in the river for possibly causing them to lose the race because they had been throwing up after practice sessions earlier in the week.

What a dreadful advertisement for Britain this is, it is hardly likely to persuade people in Europe and America, for example, to choose Britain as their holiday destination this year.

But what has led to this disgusting situation, where levels of E. coli in the river has broken all records this spring? The fault must surely go to past Tory governments for privatising the water industry.

Sadly, their philosophy is that private enterprise can provide any service better than something that is nationalised. But I am sure that the majority of voters in Britain have finally realised that so called “benefits” of privatisation have been laid woefully bare.

The water industry in Britain, previously run by regional authorities, which were open to the public and press, was privatised by Margaret Thatcher and instead of money being available to improve the water distribution and sewage disposal, some of it was syphoned off to provide dividends to shareholders and massive bonuses to greedy directors.

And all the time more and more sewage was being discharged into rivers and seas around the country, aided and abetted by Ofwat, the body supposedly charged with regulating and overseeing the industry, and, of course the government, who were only to willing to close their eyes to the problem, concerned only to keep bills down to save their political necks.

And now we have so much sewage in the Thames it has become a national disgrace, medics warning people not to swim in it or even to get their faces splashed by the polluted water. And Thames Water Company thinks its customers should foot the clean up bill.

The Boat Race is an event which is highlighted on TV around the world and the Thames is a showpiece of the UK.

But it isn’t just the water industry which has suffered under private enterprise. We have heard dreadful stories about the mismanagement of a funeral director business in Hull, where the ashes of the deceased have been mixed up and police are unable to tell which ashes belong to which family because DNA degrades on cremation.

British railways owned and run by private companies, are now a disaster, and those Victorians who launched the Post Office in 1840 would turn in their graves to see what a disaster it has become under the Tory watch.

The NHS is another disaster, as is State education. Why? Because the rich can opt to go private and that is encouraged by a Conservative government. We heard that people are now waiting up to a month for an appointment to see a doctor.

Teachers and doctors are going off sick at record numbers, suffering under work pressures. What disasters.

It feels like Britain is collapsing like a pack of cards and it’s no wonder that polls are now showing that fewer than 100 Tory MPs will be likely to retain their seats at the General Election – that’s when these dreadful Klingons finally decide enough is enough and declare a date.


Women – I would like you to take a particular interest in this, because you could, inadvertently, be seriously destroying fish life.

If you are into skincare, you will have heard of squalene or squalane. It is in moisturisers, make-up and cleansers but is also used in vaccines and medicines.

Now, scientists have linked squalene to around 390 species of sharks and rays being threatened with extinction, according to new research.

Women – did you know that when you put moisturisers on your face or body, you are using something that is quite unpleasant – because Squalene is traditionally collected from the livers of deepwater sharks. The livers help them stay afloat.

And these fish are now being hunted to extremes, and in a few years could become extinct, warn scientists.

So, think again before you use these products, and it might also be useful for people to think what damage is being done to the environment with all the make up and which is being used by millions every day. Sobering thought!


A few years ago the cost of funerals in the UK became yet another national scandal, and it was caused because more and more privately-owned companies were taken over by American multi-nationals.

Funerals cost thousands of pounds and this has led to companies coming onto the market offering pared back funerals at a much lower price.

And now it seems the “American dream” has reached the veterinary industry, with more and more vets practices being brought out. The result? Sky high prices for the care of animals, especially for emergency treatment.

One well known actor was interviewed on TV telling viewers of having to pay hundreds of pounds for emergency treatment for his dog, even paying a scandalous price for Paracetamol  tablets which in a chemist would cost hardly anything.

It’s no wonder that America has 500 or more billionaires, and an increasing number of pets are being abandoned because owners cannot afford vet bills.


As from April 1, Germany has legalised the possession and home cultivation of cannabis, and a local mayor in neighbouring France is suggesting that her town should do it to, as a social experiment.

Under the new law, adults will be allowed to possess up to 25g of the drug in public, hold 50g at home and grow a maximum of three plants.

From July, private “cannabis clubs” can supply 500 members on a limited basis.

Apparently safeguards are going to be put in place to prevent cannabis tourism to Germany.

The plus side of legalising cannabis is that it will put an end to criminal gangs, often using children as couriers, selling the drug and encouraging its use. Also it will end any “glamour” in taking the drug.

On the negative side it could increase cannabis use, and much more importantly, a larger number of people may end up driving vehicles while under the influence.

Drug driving has already become a serious problem in the UK and any increase in such danger on the road should, of course, be discouraged. So, on balance, I hope Britain does not go down the German route.


Watching the news it seems the world is becoming a more dangerous place and it’s worrying.

We hear that European countries bordering Russia are increasingly fearing war and are urging people to volunteer into the armed services.

The situation in Gaza gets worse by the day and, driven by pure hatred on both sides, shows no sign of being resolved.

A religious war, fuelled by hatred, is going to take the wisdom of Solomon to resolve.

Last week we heard that the country which I once thought was one of the most peace loving in Europe – Sweden – has now the worst gun violence on the continent, and many commentators blame the huge influx of immigrants is partly to blame, fuelled by poverty.

And when I hear that a 12-year-old boy used a gun to kill one classmate and seriously injure two others in Finland, I despair.