Do you know why we call ourselves Spangles? Because when we got together in 2004, some of us were SPANish and some of us were inGLES! Clever, eh?

We’re proud to be celebrating 20 years of singing together this year.

We have told you that we’re all friends who are always there for each other, who don’t just rehearse together on a Thursday and are a shoulder lean on – BUT THERE IS MORE!!

We arrange lunches, cocktails, retreats where we can get to know each other; and we are happy to sing at any function: birthdays, weddings, funerals, charity fundraisers and even quite random events:

We travelled to Nerja and sang for a bride as she was getting ready on the morning of her wedding – a romantic surprise from the bridegroom.

We sang in a restaurant for a lady’s 80th birthday.

We have sung at funerals: for an Irish family, of course we had to sing ‘Danny Boy’!

We sing at local charity events: for example MABS and Pink Ladies (who raise money for cancer screening).

We loved singing with an American chorus in a beautiful church in Valencia.

We have performed at some fabulous venues …. in Harrogate, Cork and at many Spanish barbershop conventions.

It doesn’t end there. That may be some of the things we’ve done, but there is our future too!

We will be singing with Caprice Choir in two concerts in Jalón on Wednesday. March 20th (7.30pm at Centro Social, Xaló)  and Calpe on Saturday, March 23rd (4.00pm at Gran Hotel Sol).

We raise funds with concerts, and we are famous for our Afternoon Teas which are always a sell-out. We are planning one in May this year.

We are traveling again too…..

……busy preparing to take part in a music festival in Prague in November 2024. We will get to sing in lots of beautiful venues and enjoy the city. We loved taking part in an online festival with our friends there, during the pandemic and we’re so looking forward to being there and meeting everyone in person.

So, what will we sing at all our 2024 events? We aways aim to choose songs that we enjoy singing and we know will entertain our audience and give everyone the ‘feel good’ factor. We sing anything from Leadbelly to the iconic Cups song from ‘Pitch Perfect’ and we’re working on some fabulous, new songs.

Spangles is a ladies’ a cappella chorus, singing in four part harmony. They rehearse every Thursday, from 10.30 am to 1.00 pm at Centro Municipal Las Claras, Calle Helena, Los Narejos, Los Alcázares and visitors are always welcome. If you’d like to book the chorus for an event or you are thinking about joining them, you can find out more on their website: or email

Lyn Baines