The airline industry has seen significant improvements since 1903, when the first airplane took flight. The industry now delivers one-third of the global goods (and services) and hauls over 3 billion passengers to various destinations each year.

Yet despite over a century of constant improvements, the airline industry still faces delays due to various factors. Bad weather conditions and congested air traffic are the usual culprits. But an airline’s operation and maintenance routines can also be a factor.

An аirliner will сomрensаte you for а ԁelаy саuseԁ by its oрerаtion аnԁ mаintenаnсe routine. When саlсulаting сomрensаtion, the ԁelаy рerioԁ is the ԁetermining fасtor. The longer the рerioԁ, the higher the сomрensаtion. In this аrtiсle, we will look аt how technology рlаys а сruсiаl role in саlсulаting сomрensаtion. So, reаԁ on for more information.

The Role of Technology in Flight Delay Compensation

Many airlines rely on technology for efficient flight delayed compensation. Artifiсiаl Intelligenсe аnԁ mасhine leаrning (ML) аre сruсiаl ԁuring сomрensаtion рroсessing, аnԁ аirlines hаve inсorрorаteԁ them into their teсhnology to аssess your сlаim.

If the assessment reveals that your claim is valid, the airline will compensate your claim. The technology has its way of speeding up claim processing:

  • Check if the Claim Complies with the Policy

AI can access your airliner’s compensation policy and check if your claim complies with it.

  • Air Ticket Payment Verification

AI and machine learning can also check if you actually paid for an air ticket with a particular airliner and verify it.

How Technology Can Streamline the Compensation Process?

Besides calculating compensation accruing from a flight delay, airline technology uses these mechanisms to streamline the compensation process:

  • Automate How You Submit Claims

You can now submit claims electronically via a mobile app or website.

  • Integrate with Flight Data

Airlines have integrated flight data into their online platforms so that you can identify flight delays in real time.

  • Automatic Claims Verification

AI and machine learning can verify and validate your claim automatically for a smooth compensation process.

  • Compatibility with Smart Devices

While you’ll most likely access this technology with smartphones or laptops, it also supports smartwatches and voice assistants. If you have interconnected smart devices, you can initiate a claim and track it with any device.


Specific Technological Tools and Software Used in This Process

The technology used in the compensation process relies on various tools and software to work efficiently. These tools and software include the following:

  • Tracking Algorithms

The technology heavily relies on AI bots as real-time tracking tools for airplanes. The bots can even deliver unfavorable weather reports.

  • Claims Calculation Software

The software used by companies helping you claim compensation uses algorithms to calculate the delay duration and flight distance for an accurate compensation process.

  • CRM Systems

The customer relationship management (CRM) system enables communication with your airline. This tool allows the tech to send you automated messages from the airliner. The message could contain information on the claim’s compensation status.

Benefits of Using Technology for Flight Delay Compensation

Flight delay compensation technology has various benefits if you’re looking for convenient claim processing:

Increase the Efficiency and Speed of Processing Claims

Using machine learning to validate claims, the technology boasts unprecedented speed and success in processing claims. Therefore, you can rely on technology to help process your claim.

Enhance the Accuracy of Calculating Compensation Amounts

Additionally, machine learning can analyze weather reports to see how they may affect your flight’s arrival time. And by knowing how long your flight will be delayed, it can calculate compensation amounts accurately.

It Improves Customer Service and Satisfaction

Lastly, technology creates transparency and satisfaction among passengers as it helps you claim compensation successfully.

Challenges and Solutions in Implementing Technology for Compensation

Any technology can be a blessing if it solves your problem efficiently. At the same time, it can pose some risks. Some challenges in implementing technology for flight delay compensation include:

  • System Hacking

You’ll fill out a form with personal data to claim compensation. The collected data may be susceptible to hacking.

  • Operation Cost

Airlines have to spend a substantial amount to subscribe to the technology. Even for an in-house flight compensation tech, an airline has to pay top software engineers to make and maintain it.

  • Technical Failures

It can experience a glitch if something interrupts the power supply to the database.

Future Trends in Technology and Flight Delay Compensation

The technology is still evolving and will incorporate these features:

  • Blockchain

With every transaction recorded and verified on the blockchain, your transactions become highly encrypted.

  • Paying for Other Services

Besides compensating for the air ticket, you can use the tech for hotel and accommodation compensations.


The compensation process after a flight delay is smooth because airlines now use technology to process claims. The technology can track your flight to help you plan your schedule. With the use of AI and machine learning, you can get an update on weather reports and know if your flight will be late.

However, the technology is susceptible to a system glitch. The technology improves and continues to streamline delay compensations. Please share with us your experience using any delay compensation technology.

Main Image: Freepik