Torrevieja U3A Groups Fayre

Torrevieja U3A Groups Fayre at CMO Torrevieja
Torrevieja U3A Groups Fayre at CMO Torrevieja

Torrevieja U3A wishes to invite all and sundry to visit their Groups Fair on Monday 26th September.

The Fair is being held at the CMO building close to the Habaneras Centre.Dooors will be open to all from 11.00 a.m.

Upon entering everybody will be able to meet with the various Group Leaders to discuss just what the U3A offers to its members and to sign up as a member of the U3A and start participating in the many activities on offer.

More detailed information on the Torrevieja U3A can be found in their website

If you are looking for new ways to help pass the time and the opportunity to make new friends, then make a note in your diary to come along and join us on September 26th

Barry Weston

Torrevieja U3A Press Officer