The Ministry of Universal Health and Public Health is going to start scheduling around 730 people who are at-risk patients for vaccination against monkeypox (monkeypox_MPX), in order to reduce the risk of infection by this virus.

In this way, according to the vaccination recommendations established at the meeting of the Public Health Commission of the National Health System on August 22, in which the priorities for vaccination were established, the Valencian Community has already begun to cite men up to 60 years of age receiving pre-exposure treatment for HIV; to men with HIV infection under follow-up in hospital consultations who meet the age criteria (up to 60 years) and risk practices (multiple partners, use of recreational drugs, participation in chemsex…). Also to people with high exchange of sexual partners (10 or more in the last 12 months or 3 partners in the last 3 months) and people who go to specific places to practice group sex (saunas, etc.).

Vaccination is carried out mainly at the AIDS Information and Prevention Centres (CIPS) in each of the three provinces, after requesting an appointment for vaccination at each centre, for which an SMS has already begun to be sent to them indicating that they can request it.

Post-exposure prophylaxis

Regarding post-exposure prophylaxis, in the Valencian Community close contacts of confirmed cases with a high risk of severe disease will continue to be vaccinated (people with immunosuppression, including HIV infection with <200 cells/ml, pregnant women and the child population). The identification is carried out through the corresponding epidemiological surveys.

Health personnel who have treated patients or taken samples without adequate personal protective equipment (PPE) or when it has failed will also continue to be vaccinated. And it will also continue in other close contacts identified through the corresponding epidemiological surveys.

So far, a total of 94 doses of the monkeypox vaccine have been administered in the Valencian Community, following the recommendations of the Public Health Commission.