Carp-R-Us resumed their Winter/Spring series on the Rio Segura at Jacarilla/Bigastro. For the time of year the weather was very pleasant and the forecast strong breeze never arrived, which made fishing very comfortable. The river was relatively low, but had a good colour and steady flow, so all looked good. However, the stretch responded to a match as it always does and, although everyone caught, weights were not great.

Willy Moons, who knows the stretch well, won again. Fishing peg 1 and using the method feeder with a variety of hook baits, Willy weighed in 8.70kg. Second from peg 7 was Steve Fell who had 4.70kg alternating between pole with bread and feeder with maggots. Third from peg 3 was Terry Screen who managed 4.43kg using the cage feeder and fourth was Dave Hutchinson with 3.76kg from peg 4.

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