Tag: Letter from the Atlantic

It’s a Crazy, Crazy Expat August

The usual August madness has swept across Spain with a vengeance. First of all, it was ‘refreshing’ to see that the reliable Swedish emporium...

The Great Spain Pension Robbery

I recently came across many pensioners protesting in the capital city of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. This protest was just one taking place...

An Appointment for an Appointment

I really don’t like August! It is not the excessive heat and accompanying high electricity bills for air conditioning that upset me, but the...

A Traitor in Paradise

I visited a memorial sculpture to ten sincere and brave men this week. These were ten Canarian men who were tortured and put to...

Bed and Breakfast, but no Roof

It is holiday time again, and the ‘big getaway’ is about to begin in most countries. Those of us who live in Spain and...


Gómez regrets the lack of doctors this summer

The Valencian Minister of Health, Marciano Gómez, has regretted...

La Glea beach walkway still no further forward

The legal wrangling over the reconstruction of the road...

Pinar de Campoverde thief arrested in Los Montesinos

The Civil Guard has arrested a 43-year-old man for...

Treading the boards with the La Ramblas Players

It’s a little-known secret that Las Ramblas golf course...