Barrie Mahoney

Celebrating Fiestas

Fiestas can be a confusing experience for expats living in Spain and the Canary Islands. They tend to creep up on you and there...

An Elderly Expat Dog

One of the fine qualities that I greatly admire in British and other expats living in Spain, is their willingness to share their home...

The Cost of Expats Dying

With the exception of articles about receiving British television in Spain, the most popular article on my ‘Living in Spain and the Canary Islands’...

Alice in Blunderland – Letter from the Atlantic

Well, it is panto season again, so I have to use a panto title that broadly fits into the spirit of the season, don’t...

I’m Just Having a Tertulia

One of my favourite cafe bars is called ‘Tertulia’. It is not a particularly grand establishment and is completely unlike any of those overpriced...
