
Policia impose fines to people not wearing masks

Valencia president Ximo Puig mandatory COVID-19 measures By Andrew Atkinson The Policia have imposed fines to a number of people caught not wearing facemasks following...

Los Montesinos Mayoral Gala Charity to be hosted by Stevie Spit BEM

The event will raise funds for schoolchildren in Los Montesinos and APANEE Torrevieja, Quote: 'I am delighted to be involved in helping The...

You can’t Be Serious – ‘Did I tell you the one about …?’

I cannot remember if I have told you this before, so I’ll tell you again anyway. The passage of time has a natural degeneration...

Former King forced out of Spain by financial scandal

The father of Felipe VI, the former King Juan Carlos, has announced his decision to leave Spain. Don Juan Carlos has communicated the decision...

Paintings by National service veteran in Spain

Quote: 'Freddie developed vascular dementia and all painting, fishing, signwriting and making dry-fishing flies ceased'. By Andrew Atkinson Landscape paintings by National service veteran C....


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