
Humanists of Murcia January 2020 Walk

Thirty one walkers turned up at Restraurante La Venta, some later than others. The walk took place just West of San Juan de Los Terreros. ...

How long before the Mar Menor becomes a thick green soup?

The regional president of Murcia, Fernando López Miras, has criticised the State Government saying that they need to give the order stopping the spills...

Amazon starts work on new logistics centre in Corvera

Amazon has started construction on a 55,000 sq metre logistics centre on the Parque del Sureste, next to Corvera airport, which will serve as...

‘Mike Probert talks Golf  (Sponsored by Costa Blanca Green Fee Services).

Here on the Costa’s golf is one of the biggest leisure time activities for both tourists and resident alike and with this in mind...

All systems go for Life Saving defibrillators in Cabo Roig

Life-saving defibrillator training got underway in Cabo Roig last week carried out by former paramedic Jeff Knoxx. The training took place in The Cabo Roig...


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