
Is it against the law to drive whilst wearing headphones?

The headline, although in the original it did contain a spelling mistake and so we are not fully quoting it, appeared in an English language newspaper in Spain this week. The article says that there is a “lack of an outright ban”, which could be considered misleading, as the publication is in Spain, where there …

The post Is it against the law to drive whilst wearing headphones? first appeared on N332.es - Driving In Spain.

How the Clock Change Affects Driving

This weekend, the clocks are once again set to change, as Daylight Saving Time ends, and the clocks subsequently put back one hour. However, although this change in time might seem insignificant, it can cause an imbalance in our body which in turn can cause fatigue, sleep or distractions that can have an impact on …

The post How the Clock Change Affects Driving first appeared on N332.es - Driving In Spain.

Road Rage Kills

In an interview in 2020, when asked about those killed and injured on the roads, the Minister of the Interior, Fernando Grande-Marlaska, spoke of road rage, or in his words, “road violence”, instead of road accidents. “I like to talk about road violence. The injuries and deaths on the asphalt are not a result of …

The post Road Rage Kills first appeared on N332.es - Driving In Spain.

Dealing with the Immediate Aftermath of an Incident

Incidents on the road are all too frequent, and we never known when we might be involved, or witness a situation that could prove life threatening if not dealt with correctly, and in Spain, in order to deal with the immediate aftermath of an incident, the P.A.S. system is taught to drivers, but the advice …

The post Dealing with the Immediate Aftermath of an Incident first appeared on N332.es - Driving In Spain.

What is the ‘tunnel effect’ and how does it affect our driving?

There can be no doubt that driving at excessive or inappropriate speed is really dangerous. Speeding is one of the biggest risk factors on the road, second only to distracted driving and alcohol. The three factors that make driving at high speeds so dangerous are: firstly, that the distance at which we are able to …

The post What is the ‘tunnel effect’ and how does it affect our driving? first appeared on N332.es - Driving In Spain.
