You Can't be Serious

You Can’t Be Serious – The universal language of body-language

I am sure you have often noticed how some people talk so much with their hands. It is as if they are communicating in...

You Can’t Be Serious – ‘I made a mistake …’

You caught me in the middle of a mistake, dear readers. I have just this moment taken time out from pondering my mistake so...

You Can’t Be Serious – Hard work did kill somebody

Our fall-back line when driving home a point, or trying to win an argument, is to produce an old saying – which is supposedly...

You Can’t Be Serious – Music feeds more than love

You never thought that this column would open with a quote from Shakespeare; now did you? (Ah, please Lads … why can’t you just...

You Can’t Be Serious – ‘Courtesy is Contagious.’

I know you don’t give two hoots where I first saw the sign, Lads – but just in case that Mick Duffy should ever...
