
Lights, Camera, Action! Film Festivals Worth Traveling For

Film festivals serve as a dynamic platform where narratives from around the world are vividly brought to life, providing a rich tapestry of global...

You Can’t Be Serious – The Christmas ‘Gamble’…

Sullivan’s was what was known as a ‘ceilì’ing house’ back in the day. There was one in just about every rural community, where neighbours...

Cycle tracking…

It is a long time since I stretched my legs over a cycle to sit on a saddle and pump away at the pedals,...


Have you noticed that staff in hospitals, doctors’ surgeries, and other places, where employees face the public, hide themselves behind computer screens and get...

You Can’t Be Serious – Give me a dog’s life …

Adolphus Cooke, also known as ‘Cooke of Cooksborough’ or ‘Adolf’ to his neighbours (not really!) lived just up the road from where I come...
