Bárbara Soler Presents her Candidacy for the Executive Commission PSOE of Torrevieja


In a press conference at the Casa del Pueblo in Torrevieja, spokesperson for the municipal socialists in the town, Bárbara Soler, announced that she was presenting her candidacy for the Executive Commission of the Local Group of the PSOE.

Along with Bárbara Soler, Tomás Ruiz García and Visitación Cristina Tañá López have appeared, who will run in the same candidacy, as Secretary of Organisation and President, respectively.

In the words of Soler and Ruiz, it is an integration candidacy, a continuation of the project that began for the May elections of last year, which has motivated people, people with a lot of experience in the party and new faces; In short, a plural team.

The socialists in Torrevieja had gone through a tumultuous time in recent years, somewhat weakening their presence, but the appearance as a figurehead of Soler last year seemed to both calm the nervousness within the party, and steer the ship with more direction than it had seen since the fragmentation of the party which started to become apparent during the coalition government.

It is a candidacy open to all socialists, with the common objective of governing Torrevieja and improving the lives of Torrevieja residents, for which the necessary policies will be applied to promote the transformation of the city at a political, social and economic level, respecting the maximum social democratic values that define the PSOE, that is, feminism, equality, the fight against climate change, quality public healthcare and education, diversity and social justice, they affirm.

The candidacy headed by Bárbara Soler also aims to revitalise the local group and unite the militancy, give life to the House of the People and modernise the party by applying new technologies. And all this, fighting to achieve a strong and united party that allows them to defend and develop the city project they have for Torrevieja.

Bárbara Soler, aged mid-thirties, describes herself personally as a lifelong learner. Entrepreneur, lawyer by profession, teacher by vocation. Fond of writing and drawing. Lover of cats and Art History. Openly feminist, like everyone who knows the meaning of the term. Working mother who on many occasions does not achieve everything, like any citizen.