We all know the situation regarding the late arrival of Christmas lights to Orihuela Costa and the fact that they have been reduced to a minimum, but we don’t want Christmas 2023 to be remembered, because of the lack of illumination on coastal streets. Quite the opposite: we want coastal homes to have better lighting than ever before this year.

That’s why AVCRL Asociación de vecinos Cabo Roig y Lomas-Orihuela Costa (AVCRL) is proposing that you to illuminate your house this holiday season and post photographs of your efforts on their Facebook page in the ‘comments’ section of the actual post. We would love to see your efforts of either your facade, terrace, garden, entrance-way, or door.

And we then invite you to click on “Like” on the photo that you appreciate the most, together with a few words if you can, by 31 December.

On 3 January, 2024, we will publish the photo with the most likes and deliver a Christmas basket to the winner. (Remember only commented photos in the post will be entered.)

Please do get involved! It doesn’t matter how large or small your contribution is. It will be a welcome addition to our Christmas lights. We are waiting for your picture to brighten up our Christmas in Orihuela Costa.